The ABS Framework apparently has a logging module that Jason
describes. This is interesting because I have been building my own logging technique over the past couple of years that largely parallels what I believe the framework does. Understanding object prototyping redirected my thoughts a bit and helped me centralize the effort. My previous
post introduced the Frame and TheApp objects. This post will introduce a new object: Log. The following script will also be added to the Application declarations section.
Object.prototype.Log = function() {
return {
step : function ( text, Lvl ) {
if ((Lvl == null)(TheApp.GetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel") >= Lvl)) {
var fp = Clib.fopen(OutPutFileName, "a");
Clib.fputs(Frame.GetLocalTime()+" "+gsIndent + text + "\n", fp);
RaiseError : function ( e ) {
if(!defined(e.errText)) e.errText = e.toString();
var sFunction = gaFunctionStack.pop();
Log.step("".rPad(100, "*"));
Log.step("*** - ERROR - "+sFunction+" - "+e.errCode);
Log.step("*** "+e.errText.replace(/\n/g, "\n"+gsIndent+"".rPad(20," ")+"*** "));
Log.step("".rPad(100, "*")+"\n");
Log.step("---End Function "+sFunction+"\n");
var sLength = gaFunctionStack.length;
gsIndent = "".rPad(giIndent*sLength, ' ');
if (sLength>0) Log.step("<<-Returning to Function "+gaFunctionStack[sLength-1]+"\n"); throw(e); }, StartStack : function ( sType, sName, sMethod, Lvl ) { gaFunctionStack.push(sName+"."+sMethod); gsIndent = "".rPad(giIndent*gaFunctionStack.length, ' '); if (TheApp.GetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel") >= Lvl) {
Log.step(" ");
Log.step("".rPad(100, "-"));
Log.step("".rPad(100, "-"));
Log.step(sType+": "+sName);
Log.step("Method: "+sMethod+"\n");
Stack : function ( sFunction, Lvl ) {
gsIndent = "".rPad(giIndent*gaFunctionStack.length, ' ');
if (TheApp.GetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel") >= Lvl) {
Log.step(" ");
Log.step(">".rPad(100, "-"));
Log.step("Function: "+sFunction+"\n");
Unstack : function ( sReturn, Lvl ) {
var sFunction = gaFunctionStack.pop();
if (TheApp.GetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel") >= Lvl) {
var sString = "";
if (sReturn != "") sString = " - Return: "+sReturn;
Log.step("---End Function "+sFunction+sString+"\n");
var sLength = gaFunctionStack.length;
gsIndent = "".rPad(giIndent*sLength, ' ');
if ((TheApp.GetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel") >= Lvl)&&(sLength>0))
Log.step("<<-Returning to Function "+gaFunctionStack[sLength-1]+"\n"); }, PropSet : function (Inputs, Lvl) { // Print out the contents of a property set. if (TheApp.GetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel") >= Lvl) {
PSDepth++; // Dive down a level
var InpChildCount, inprop, inpropval, inpropcnt;
var BlankLine = ' ';
var Indent = "".lPad(giIndent*PSDepth, " ") + ToString(PSDepth).lPad(2, "0") + ' ';
Log.step(Indent + '---- Starting a new property set ----');
InpChildCount = Inputs.GetChildCount();
Log.step(Indent + 'Value is ........ : "' + Inputs.GetValue() + '"');
Log.step(Indent + 'Type is ........ : "' + Inputs.GetType() + '"');
Log.step(Indent + 'Child count ..... : ' + ToString(InpChildCount));
var PropCounter = 0;
inprop = Inputs.GetFirstProperty();
while (inprop != "") { // Dump the properties of this property set
inpropval = Inputs.GetProperty(inprop);
var PropCountStr = ToString(PropCounter).lPad(2, "0");
Log.step(Indent+'Property '+PropCountStr+' name : <'+inprop + '>');
Log.step(Indent+'Property '+PropCountStr+' value : <'+inpropval + '>');
inprop = Inputs.GetNextProperty();
// Dump the children of this PropertySet
if (InpChildCount != 0) {
for (var ChildNumber = 0; ChildNumber < InpChildCount; ChildNumber++) {
Log.step(Indent + 'Child Property Set ' + ToNumber(ChildNumber + 1) + ' of ' + ToNumber(InpChildCount) + ' follows below.');
Log.step(Indent + 'This child is on level ' + ToNumber(PSDepth));
// Recursive call for children, grandchildren, etc.
Log.PropSet(Inputs.GetChild(ChildNumber), Lvl);
PSDepth--; // Pop up a level
var OutPutFileName;
//Indent child prop sets this many spaces to the right for each level down.
var giIndent = 2;
var PSDepth = 0; // How deep in the property set tree, what level
var CurrentLogLevel = 2;
//used in debugStack function so store called functions
var gaFunctionStack = new Array();
var giStackIndex = 0; //Where in the function stack the current function resides
var gsIndent = ''; //used in debug methods to identify stack indents
In addition, I added the following to the Application Start event. The prerequisite for this is the new profile attribute I created in this
post, and the creation of a new system parameter, 'Framework Log Path':
var sPath = Frame.GetSysPref("Framework Log Path");
sPath = sPath.replace(/\\$/, ""); //Remove trailing backslash if used
OutPutFileName = sPath+"\\Trace-"+
try {
Log.step("Log Application Start Event", 1);
catch(e) {
//default to OOTB Log File Location:
OutPutFileName = "Trace-"+TheApp.LoginName()+"-"+
Log.step("Invalid Preference - Framework Log Path: "+sPath, 0);
//Get the System Preference Log Level. Get the Log Level set for this user (if provided) and
//then set the log level for this session
var sLogLevel = Frame.GetSysPref("CurrentLogLevel");
if (TheApp.GetProfileAttr("User Log Level") != "")
TheApp.SetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel", TheApp.GetProfileAttr("User Log Level"));
else TheApp.SetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel", sLogLevel);
Log.step("Session Logging Level: "+TheApp.GetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel"), 1);
Here is an example of these functions in use in a PreInvokeMethod event of a BC:
function BusComp_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName) {
try {
Log.StartStack("Business Component", this.Name(), MethodName, 1);
var bReturn;
var sVar1 = "TEST"
switch(MethodName) {
case "TestMethod":
Log.step("Variable 1: "+sVar1 ,1);
TestMethod(sVar1 );
bReturn = CancelOperation;
catch(e) {
And this is how it would be used in a method:
function TestMethod (sVar1) {
try {
Log.Stack("TestMethod", 1);
Log.step("sVar1: ".lPad(30,".")+sVar1+"\n", 2);
sVar1 += sVar1 + sVar1;
Log.Unstack("N", 2);
catch(e) {
The result of this provides an individual log file placed in the directory specified by the system parameter. Each method call is indented 2 spaces.
UPDATE: I am no HTML wizard but am learning. I updated tags to make code easier to read