Do not include XML element (use System type)
IfNull([Middle Name], [Conflict Id])
Transforming Dates
(from 'YYYYMMDD' to 'MM/DD/YYYY'):
Right(Left([Source Field Name],7),2) +"/"+Right([Source Field Name], 2)+"/"+Left([Source Field Name], 4)
(from Siebel Date to externally recognized format):
ToChar([Birth Date], 'YYYY-MM-DD')
ToChar([Completion Date], 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss')
Conditional Logic:
IIF([Source Field Name] = "false", "N", "Y")
SSN formatting (Strip hyphens):
IIF(InStr([PPT Social Security Number], "-") > 0, Left([PPT Social Security Number], 3)+Mid([PPT Social Security Number], 5, 2)+Right([PPT Social Security Number], 4), [PPT Social Security Number])
EAI Lookup for an Inbound Interface:
- EAILookupSiebel("XXX",[Source Field Name])
- XXX is the Type in the EAI Lookup table. This needs also needs to be setup as a value under the EAI_LOOKUP_MAP_TYPE LOV type.
- IIF([Source Field Name] IS NULL, "", EAILookupSiebel("XXX",[Source Field Name]))
- EAILookupSiebel fails if no value is found so minimize this possibility unless an exception is desired
Mid([Source Field Name], InStr([Source Field Name], "/", -1) + 1)