Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Repository Search by SQL

Tools offers a Repository Search feature which is quite robust but it has some significant drawbacks:
  1. Tedious to specify only those items which might have the object name you are looking for
  2. Time consuming to do a full search or a search of certain objects with high record counts
  3. Does not search UI admin objects where a field might be referenced
There have been times when I wanted to inactivate objects in order to streamline the application and have had difficulty identifying all the references.  Or if you see an error in the Siebel log, it is sometimes hard to forensically determine its source.

I have written a series of SQL statements to search for the items directly against the server tools DB.  This SQL looks at both repository tables where a particular object type might be referenced as well as UI administrative objects.  It is not guaranteed to be 100% comprehensive and should be modified to the particular needs of how a client has used the application.  For instance, if Variable Maps are not modified from vanilla, it is probably not necessary to query the tables that store them.


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