Monday, November 15, 2010

A Basic Interface - Integration Object User Props

I know this is meant to be a basic interface with so complexity, but let's be realistic about the requirements we are likely to get. Even a simple upsert of something as basic as a service request is likely to require a bit of digging into bookshelf so that the interface is able to mimic basic GUI functionality. I will discuss some of the most commonly used User Properties necessary to implement even an advanced interface. When in doubt about the syntax of any of these properties, take a look for an example in the Tools flat view.


This is the most common Integration Component Field User Property you will see and it basically tells the EAI Siebel Adapter to validate the picklist in the interface. This property is generally created by the wizard so I bring it up only because validating the picklist here will allow for several different ways to interpret a picklist field value described by some of the user properties below.


In the GUI, when you type an account name in the Account field on another BC that has a picklist of Accounts, and there is more than one record matching that name (with different locations), a pick applet will pop open with the constrained list of accounts having that name. The GUI is letting a user decide which of the multiple records returned was meant to be picked. An interface does not have that luxury, so the PicklistUserKeys Integration Component Field User Property is provided to mimic this action. The value of this property should be a comma separated list of fields representing the logical key of the picklist record to look up. These fields must all be present in the integration component (though there values can be null). The 'PICKLIST' user property must also exist for the field where this property is used and its value must be 'Y'.

Ignore Bounded PickList

When a picklist is validated in the interface and the value passed is not found, the EAI Siebel Adapter stops processing and returns an error. If the data is expected to sometimes be missing though, you may want the foreign key to just be left blank. For instance, maybe the service request, in our example is tied to an order via a back office order number, but the order was never loaded. Add this user property with a value of 'Y' in combination with the PICKLIST user property with a value of 'Y'. The EAI Siebel Adapter will look up the record by the user key provided (can also be used in combination with PickListUserKeys) but if it is not found, will set the field to blank in the integration object before applying the data. Keep in mind that this property will only work as expected if the Picklist object the underlying BC uses to constrain the field is set to No Insert equals True, otherwise, the EAI Siebel Adapter will try to insert a record. Also note that in bookshelf there is a typo in that there should be spaces between the words of the property name.


It is easy in the GUI to determine the order of the fields being picked, either by training or by sequencing the fields in a particular way during applet design. This may help set the fields that will be used to constrain the value of another field, frequently in a hierarchical picklist. In EAI, we achieve this result through this user property. It can be used multiple times with a sequence number, just like other BC and applet user properties. The value is a field integration component field name. Siebel claims that pickmapped constraints are automatically taken into account, and that may typically be the case, but I have seen times when it does not work, so this is a good fall back.