Wednesday, May 26, 2010

eScript Framework - Query return Array

In my post introducing my eScript Framework, I glossed over the functional content of the functions I included so let me go into some more detail before proceeding. The last function in the declaration was called QueryExprArrayReturn. This function will execute a query against the business component whose string name is passed to the function using a complete expression also passed. The last parameter is an array of fields whose values will be returned, via an associative array.

QueryExprArrayReturn : function( sBO, sBC, sExpr, aFields) {
// Use : Frame.QueryExprArrayReturn (sBO : string nsme of Business
// sBC : string nsme of Business Component,
// sExpr : search expression to be applied,
// aFields : array of fields to be returned)
// Returns : string replacing fields and parameters from the lookup BC and/or property set
var aFnd, bFound, iRecord, sField;
var aValues = new Array();
var rePattern = /(?<=\[)[^[]*(?=\])/g;
with (TheApp.GetBusObject(sBO).GetBusComp(sBC)) {
while ((aFnd = rePattern.exec(sExpr)) != null) ActivateField(aFnd[0]);
for (var c=0; c < aFields.length; c++) ActivateField(aFields[c]);
if (FirstRecord()) {
iRecord = 0;
for (var i=0; i < aFields.length; i++) {
aValues[aFields[i]] = new Array();
aValues[aFields[i]][iRecord] = GetFieldValue(aFields[i]);
while (NextRecord()) {
for (var i=0; i < aFields.length; i++) {
aValues[aFields[i]][iRecord] = GetFieldValue(aFields[i]);

What is occurring here is pretty straightforward:
  1. Instantiate a BC using the passed BO/BC strings
  2. Activate any fields used in the Search Expression
  3. Activate the fields needing to be returned
  4. Query using the passed search expression
  5. If at least one record is found, create an associtive array of field values where the first index is the field name and the second index is the record number
  6. Continue populating this array for each record found

Probably the most interesting aspect of this query is the use of a regular expression search of the passed in expression to activate and BC fields present there by identifying them in enclosing square brackets [].


  1. As far as I know you don't need to activate fields in your search expression... at least I never run into such situation. I think that siebel does it on background.

  2. Puli,

    In general you do not. This is just me being overcautious. I have had times in the past when eScript would throw an error because a field I was referencing in a search spec was not active. I do not recall the situation, whether it was a specialized field or what, but it always stuck with me. It is probably safe to skip this step though.

  3. Hi Mik,
    I have small question can't we write a business service to achive this instead of having written as a prototype on application level. I am not sure how its gonna impact performance but input/output parameters could be handeled using property sets. Correct me if i am wrong

