Friday, May 10, 2013

The XML Logger - Reviewing the Payload

In my last post, I talked about how to capture XML Payloads by splitting large values across a series of DB records. In order to look at the data, we need to reassemble the payloads into a single text block again. I expose my Payload BC in a view tied to either the User's session:

or to the record on which the interface was executed:

The latter is accomplished through the payload parsing I talked about which allows us to create a view which links an object record to the payload record once the transaction id is stored on the payload record. On these views, I expose I nice looking form applet which displays both the request and response sides of the interface. The form fields are actually calculated fields, defined as DTYPE_TEXT, with the following expression:
InvokeServiceMethod("XXX Utilities", "ConcatenateField", "bo.bc='XXX User Session.XXX User Session XML Detail', FieldName='Log Text', SearchExpr='[Parent Id]=""+[Id]+"" AND [Field]="Request"'", "Out")
  • 'XXX Utilities' is my eScript framework service with many commonly used functions
  • 'ConcatenateField' is a method on that service 'bo.bc' is a parameter name for that method
  • 'XXX User Session' is the name of the business object where my user sessions are stored
  • 'XXX User Session XML Detail' is the name of the business component containing the split up log data 'FieldName' is another parameter for this method
  • 'Log Text' is the name of the field on the 'XXX User Session XML Detail' BC where the split payload text is stored defined as DTYPE_CLOB
  • 'SearchExpr' is another parameter for this method

Finally the search expression looks a bit complicated as passing quotes to the InvokeServiceMethod is difficult. I have improvised by using a commonly used XML expression of " which the method then recognizes and converts back to a quote. Here is the method:

function ConcatenateField(Inputs, Outputs) {
//Inputs: bo.bc  "boName.bcName"
//   FieldName
//   SearchExpr BC Search Expression (Optional)
 var retValue = "";
 var found = false;
 var search = Inputs.GetProperty("SearchExpr");
 try {
  var arSplit = Inputs.GetProperty("bo.bc").split(".");
  var bcQuery:BusComp;
  if (arSplit[0] == "ACTIVE") 
   bcQuery = TheApplication().ActiveBusObject().GetBusComp(arSplit[1]);
   bcQuery = TheApplication().GetBusObject(arSplit[0]).GetBusComp(arSplit[1]);
  var delimeter = (Inputs.GetProperty("delimeter") != "" ? Inputs.GetProperty("delimeter") : "\n");
  with (bcQuery) {
   if (search != "") {
    arSplit = Inputs.GetProperty("SearchExpr").split(""");
    search = arSplit.join("'");
   found = FirstRecord();
   while(found) {
    retValue += GetFieldValue(Inputs.GetProperty("FieldName"));
    found = NextRecord();
    if (found) retValue += delimeter;

      Outputs.SetProperty("Out", retValue);
 } catch(e) {
 } finally {
  bcQuery = null;
  arSplit = null;

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