Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Framework - Revised

After some fits and starts, I finally got around to a data dump of my Siebel eScript Framework with some rough instructions on how to implement it. After a very worthwhile back and forth on Jason Le's LinkedIn group I have some structural modifications to make. The new framework will be implemented as a pair of business services. The main advantage of this is the code is more centrally located in a single repository. Multiple applications can reference it there. A fairly good case has been made that the logic can all sit in a single business service underneath one object, TheApplication. I think there are decent reasons to do either but preferences may vary.

Create a new BS, called 'eScript Framework' and check the Cache flag.
It's PreInvoke should have the following:

try {
var bReturn = ContinueOperation;
switch (MethodName) {
case "Init":
bReturn = CancelOperation;
return (bReturn);
catch(e) {

Then create a method for each function in the framework from the previous post. So far the Methods I have are:

Now, create the Logging BS. Create a new Business Service named, 'eScript Log Framework', and check the Cache flag. Its PreInvoke should have the following:

try {
var bReturn = ContinueOperation;
switch (MethodName) {
case "Init":
var sPath = Frame.GetSysPref("Framework Log Path");
sPath = sPath.replace(/\\$/, ""); //Remove trailing backslash if used
gsOutPutFileName = sPath+"\\Trace-"+

//Get the System Preference Log Level. Get the Log Level set for this user (if provided)
//and then set the log level for this session
var sLogLevel = Frame.GetSysPref("CurrentLogLevel");
if (TheApp.GetProfileAttr("User Log Level") != "")
TheApp.SetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel", TheApp.GetProfileAttr("User Log Level"));
else TheApp.SetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel", sLogLevel);
Log.step("Session Logging Level: "+TheApp.GetProfileAttr("CurrentLogLevel"), 1);
bReturn = CancelOperation;
return (bReturn);
catch(e) {

Set the Declarations section to the following:

var gsOutPutFileName;
var giIndent = 2; //Indent child prop sets this many spaces for each level down.
var giPSDepth = 0; // How deep in the property set tree, what levelvar CurrentLogLevel = 2;
var gaFunctionStack = new Array(); //used in debugStack function to store called functions
var giStackIndex = 0; //Where in the function stack the current function resides
var gsIndent = ''; //used in debug methods to identify stack indents
var giLogBuffer = Frame.GetSysPref("Log Buffer");
var giLogLines = 0;
var gsLogCache = "";

Then create a method for each function in the framework from the previous post. So far the Methods I have are:

Now open up the Server script for the Application object you are using (this should be done in every Application being used where framework functions may be referenced). Add this to the Declarations section:

Object.prototype.TheApp = this;
Object.prototype.Frame = TheApp.GetService("eScript Framework");
Object.prototype.Log = TheApp.GetService("eScript Log Framework");

Frame.InvokeMethod("Init", NewPropertySet(), NewPropertySet());
Log.InvokeMethod("Init", NewPropertySet(), NewPropertySet());

Your done. Log and Frame functions can now be referenced from anywhere in your scripts.

1 comment:

  1. This is so coool! The mystery for the framework explained in a single pos. Lot of people going to benefit from this.

    Thank you Mik.
