Monday, June 21, 2010

SR Class Level Read Only

In case anyone has ever wondered about the intricacies of how a Service Request BC record becomes read only when the Status is set to Closed, I hope to add a bit of enlightenment. The premise, is that in Vanilla Siebel, if I set the Status of an SR to 'Closed', the entire record becomes read only. There are many tickets about this on My Oracle support so this may not be new territory. Instead of implementing this through standard configuration, which seems easily poossible in modern versions, Siebel has done this at the class level, in CSSBCServiceRequest. The interesting thing for me in researching this is what the actual triggering point is that makes the record read only. Basically, Siebel compares the value of the Status field for the particular record against the Display Value of the LOV where Type = 'SR_STATUS' and Name (Language Independent Code) = 'Closed'.

So if for instance the Display value has been changed in the LOV table to Done for the 'Closed' LOV record in type 'SR_STATUS', then the record must have a value of 'Done' in the status in order for this record to be read only. Maybe this result is not very interesting. So far you are right. What is interesting is that if you remove the picklist altogether from the Status field, or change it to a different picklist using a different LOV_TYPE, the same evaluation occurs. The long and short of it is that there is not a lot of opportunity to customize this functionality without doing some more complicated things behind the scenes as the Class does a lot of hard coded checks in order to implement this requirement

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