Saturday, July 3, 2010

Economies of Scale - Data Edition

In the process of describing how a typical siebel installation reaches maturity, I summarized it thus:
...for any client, the first release or three are about implementing a robust data model, rolling on as many business units as possible to take advantage of the enterprise nature of that data model and gaining economies of scale, and maybe implementing some integration to get legacy data into Siebel
It strikes me that embedded in that sentence is another big picture concept I want to go into further detail about. Putting a call center on Siebel is nice for the Call Center and the managers of that call center from an operational standpoint. Putting a Sales division on Siebel is nice for those sales people and their managers too. In both cases, whenever a customer calls, the business case of using Siebel as a data model applies when we find that this customer has called before and we leverage that information to assist us on the current call.

Perhaps it is obvious, but it is even better when multiple business units are on Siebel, such that any given business unit can leverage the touchpoint history of the other business units when transacting with a customer who has corresponded with both. In other words, if a customer calls the Call Center, and the operator records information about that call, the Sales person can also leverage that same information, and the marketing division can market to that customer from the same database. This is what we mean when we talk about the enterprise nature of the application. The underlying data is to some extent shared with whatever visibility rules are deemed appropriate.

This is useful in the following ways:
More likely to get a hit when looking up a master data record.
Reduces the need to key in master data information that has been entered before
Increases the speed at which the user can transact the true nature of the call
Reassures the customer that they are known by the business
Allows user (or analyst or system) to identify a trend in the customer's transactions

There will often be a tension between choosing the best application to perform a certain task and gaining the economies of data scale identified above. This tension can be mitigated somewhat through good integration but it is unlikely to go away completely. That is, SAP may be a better inventory management application, so there is a tension between storing my inventory information in SAP which has built in and customizable algorithms, and storing it in Siebel, which while not as robust, has the advantage of making that data available in Siebel views and linking it to Siebel objects easily. Like I said, we can integrate SAP to Siebel, but this adds cost and complexity (and probably lag time). That does not mean it is not the right decision. In the case of inventory management, depending on how important that functionality is to the customer's core business, it may very well be the right decision. I just want to point out the tension between these concepts.

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