Friday, July 23, 2010

My Barcode Promised Land

The effort of trial and error, traversing dead ends, and determining what I could not do, led me eventually to what I could. Let me start by saying that if I was a Siebel engineer (completely unaware of what constraints they had to work with) I would have provided an Application level method called something like BarcodeScan that could be trapped. I could then put a runtime event on it and trigger a wokflow when I was done. But then again I also would not have coded in the limitations I mentioned earlier.

Barring all that, I still needed a couple of basic things:
  • Hook to trigger additional functional logic
  • Do lookups on Serial Numbers
Additionally, it would be nice to:
  • Minimize the number of clicks
  • Do lookups on the child record of a BC
  • Parse the input so that I could do different stuff based on the type of data
Given those must-haves and nice-to-haves, I decided to hack the business service, trap the methods in question and just do my own thing. I should mention, that my initial approach was more from a wrapper perspective than a replace perspective. That is, I thought I could just trap the method, do my stuff, then continue with the vanilla method. Here is the problem though. Since everything that happens in the vanilla method threads occurs out of the GUI context, I cannot leverage any Active... methods. Therefore to do something as simple as update the record returned by the vanilla lookup, I would have to requery for it in my own objects to get it in focus to update it. Well if I am requerying for it, what is the point of doing the same query twice? I can just do my own query once in the Active object and then trigger my post events.

Let me start by walking through the most important Must-Have

Hook to trigger additional functional logic
I have sort of hinted at how this was achieved in general. Once I realized that the 'HTML FS Barcoding Tool Bar' was getting called, I modified the server script on this service to log when its methods are called. The important method here is 'ProcessData' which is the one method called regardless of the processing mode in use. At this point you have the barcode data and the Entry mode. You can also determine what view you are on via ActiveViewName. I trapped the Find, New and Update methods in the PreInvokeMethod event to store the current processing mode in profile attribute:
switch (MethodName) {
case "Find":
case "New":
case "Update":
TheApp.SetProfileAttr("BarcodeProcessMode", MethodName);
With these three fields, the View, Process Mode, and Entry Mode, I can query the FS Barcode Mappings BC for a unique record.

boBCMappings = TheApp.GetBusObject("FS Barcode Mappings");
bcBCMappings = boBCMappings.GetBusComp("FS Barcode Mappings");
with (bcBCMappings) {
ActivateField("Applet BC");
SetSearchSpec("View", sView);
SetSearchSpec("Entry Mode", sEntryMode);
SetSearchSpec("Process Mode", sProcessMode);
bFound = FirstRecord();

if (bFound) {
What I want to get from that record for now is the lookup field. I also need to know the Active BC to do the lookup in. Again, I cannot use ActiveBusComp or ActiveApplet so I just added a join to the FS Barcode Mappings BC to the repository S_APPLET table based on the applet name already stored in the Admin BC and added a joined field based on S_APPLET.BUSCOMP_NAME. I still feel like there is a better way to do it, but that is where I am at right now. Anyway, from the admin record I have a BC to instantiate, a field to set a search spec on, and the text value of the search spec.
sField = GetFieldValue("Field");
sBusComp = GetFieldValue("Applet BC");

boObject = TheApp.ActiveBusObject();
bcObject = boObject.GetBusComp(sBusComp);
with (bcObject) {
SetSearchSpec(sField, sLogicalKey);
bFound = FirstRecord();

if (bFound) {
My client has multiple barcode processes so all this could be happening in different places. So the last step is to add some logic to branch out my hook. I am using the BC for now but we could make this more robust:
switch (sBusComp) {
case "Service Request":

case "Asset Mgmt - Asset":

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